Epic rock chimneys wobbling up out of the vast, serenity await you at the ends of the earth. We’re talking about the titular “torres” at Chile’s famed Torres ...
There are 100,000 reasons to show your heart some love... That's about how many times it beats every single day! Heart disease is the #1 killer of both ...
When I first lost my late husband and went to get my children a passport as a solo mother, I felt daunted by the paperwork and how to navigate ...
If you’re looking for the ultimate safari adventure, you need look no further than the My1FitLife African Safari Adventure to Tanzania! Our nine day adventure ...
The Galapagos has long been synonymous with once-in-a-lifetime adventure, so it was a no-brainer to add to the My1FitLife Adventures lineup (in fact, this is ...
Bali may be paradise, but that’s not an invitation for no-holds-barred, girls-gone-wild-style behavior. You must show respect to this deeply spiritual place ...
Bali: a place that’s either on your bucket list or too good to be true. Part of what is arguably Indonesia’s most popular island’s allure is its mystique: ...